Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wanted to get into this yesterday but didn't really have a chance...

From wildlife refuges to Friday night football, there's a whole lot in Fairbanks that's familiar to someone who grew up in the rural Plains. There are parties out in the woods. There's a generous helping of lumber yards. Everyone knows what kind of bacon to buy at the store.


Remarkably, the seclusion we experience here leads to some pretty stark differences from similar-sized rural cities like Rapid City, South Dakota or Grand Island, Nebraska. There are things like expressways and industrial parks. Falafel is easy to find. The Saturday morning farmers' market is likely the best we've visited outside of San Francisco.

It's a bit of a surprise, but juxtaposed with a rural confidence and pragmatism are diverse and abundant resources.

Doubtless these characteristics will be even more greatly appreciated in another 8 or 12 weeks, when good sense and Thinsulate are not luxuries, but requirements.


  1. POLISH CHICKENS in Alaska!?!? Nate, you cannot escape the influence of Sedge and me. You can run but you cannot hide........

  2. not to be simplistic.....but what kind of bacon DO you buy at the store?.....discerning readers of the blog WANT to know!!!!!......or maybe I just want to know.....sedge

  3. Baz: there were literally a hundred breeds on display at the Tanana Fair; there were Polish ones and German ones and Chinese ones, including the fluffy-ass 'Silkies' above. And you're absolutely right - without a healthy dose of your irreverence, it would all seem less entertaining and more, just, weird.

    Sedge: Dippin into a little pepper bacon these days, just to check it out. It can be a little overwhelming, but with a fried egg over medium, that black pepper is right in my wheelhouse. Overall, good ol' hickory smoked is the go-to, and the thicker the better, amiright?

  4. right....give me the pepper/egg/bacon combo....and I be in nirvana too...gabba oink!

  5. The classic Sedge Ellipse knows no bounds. On bacon, virtually any cut dressed any way is pretty fucking good. Ever had a rasher? Jesus.
